RegioInvest Inn-Salzach GmbH

The investor company RegioInvest Inn-Salzach GmbH was founded in 2011 in order to improve the standard of logistics of Burghausen site.

In order to improve the standard of logistics, since 2005, WiföG Burghausen has been undertaking construction of a public container terminal for combined transport. This project was implemented by a regional consortium of investors consisting of Burghausen Town Council, Altötting district council, VR – meine Raiffeisenbank eG Altötting-Mühldorf, Wacker Chemie AG and Borealis Polymere GmbH founded in 2011 as “RegioInvest Inn-Salzach GmbH”. At the end of October 2014, the terminal commenced operations after a two-year construction period.

Objectives of RegioInvest Inn-Salzach GmbH:

To create a regional consensus on improving the infrastructure for the chemicals industry and a basis for funding by the EBA (German Federal Railway Authority).

Shareholders and capital contributions:

  • Wirtschaftsbeteiligungsgesellschaft Burghausen mbH (€4,315,000)
  • Altötting district council (€750,000)
  • meine Volksbank Raiffeisenbank eG Rosenheim (€585,000)
  • Wacker Chemie AG (€250,000)
  • Borealis Polymere GmbH (€100,000)
  • Share capital: €6 million

Corporate purpose:

Constructing and leasing a container terminal for combined transport in Burghausen. The company also performs a public role in terms of optimising the existing infrastructure.

Managing Director: Markus Nußbaumer


The container terminal for combined transport has been in operation since 2014. (Photo: Kerscher)