Settlement at the Burghausen business location

Settle in Burghausen and benefit from the available synergies of an internationally renowned business location, the industrial material network and integration in the Burghausen service network – with expansion potential of around 50 hectares of vacant industrial space and more than 5.5 hectares of vacant commercial space.

Settlement location with international future perspectives

The extremely successful Burghausen combination of small and medium-sized industry service providers and manual trade companies with the large corporate sites of the chemical and refinery industry serves to create sustainable market potential for the settlement of further processing industries, innovative service providers and future-oriented start-ups.

With their global business relations, globally leading expertise in many segments and the high quality they expect from their service network in Burghausen, the global players of Burghausen’s large-scale industry ensure internationally acclaimed professionalism and hence the business success of their partner companies on site.

Wide-ranging opportunities for retail, commerce and catering

In this thriving environment, there are outstanding development opportunities for retail, commerce and manual trade companies as well as catering firms throughout the entire town: diverse structures of all sizes can be found in the new town shopping & service quarter, in the old town shopping quarter & artisan district or in Lindach business park.


WiföG Burghausen is your strategic partner to help with all questions relating to your settlement: free location advice & funding opportunities

Shops in the new town shopping quarter. (Photo: KommExpert)
The old town shopping quarter and artisan district. (Photo: Wimmer)
Future potential for your settlement
  • Optimum service network between industry and SMEs
  • Global players of the chemical industry with international business relations
  • High performance requirement and demand for industrial services, trade and manual trade
  • Container terminal right next to the B20
  • Efficient infrastructure for special energy requirements, waste water and waste disposal
  • Wide range of site structures for trade, commerce and industry
  • Moderate property and land prices
  • Optimum contacts with authorities for fast approval procedures: high degree of investment security and cost and time reduction for site planning
Facts & figures
  • Industrial space: Approx. 373 ha in total, of which 50 ha is vacant (a further 40 ha is planned)
  • Commercial space: 552,000 m² (including terminal for combined transport)
  • Container terminal business park: 391,000 m² (approx. 230,000 m² vacant)
  • Lindach business park: 41 ha (freely available for leasehold: approx. 1.2 ha)
  • Gewerbehof Nord: 21,200 m² (freely available or sub-divisible for leasehold: 1,707 m²)
  • Northern industrial estate/Unterer Sulzbogen: New since 2018, information on request