Chemical location

Burghausen – the most important location of “ChemDelta Bavaria”

As one of Bavaria’s most successful economic and innovation centres located in the chemical triangle, Burghausen, with its modern infrastructure, serves as the headquarters of large chemical enterprises, and with some 11,000 employees in the chemical industry is the most important location of the Bavarian chemical triangle.

The Bavarian chemical triangle in the south eastern part of Upper Bavaria is the centre of the Bavarian chemical industry and looks back on an almost 100-year history. It is one of the most important economic factors of Bavaria as a high-tech location and among Europe’s most important chemical regions. The region comprises parts of the administrative districts of Altötting, Mühldorf and Traunstein.

A large number of the chemical companies located in the region have come together with the Bavarian chemical associations to form a private-sector joint initiative to promote the development of this business region - ChemDelta Bavaria. The 30 or so companies based here (20 of which are part of the ChemDelta Bavaria initiative) with over 20,000 employees between them already generate a total revenue volume of around €10 billion per year. Consequently, around 50% of all chemical employees in Bavaria generate over 6% of German chemical revenues in ChemDelta Bavaria.

ChemDelta Bavaria with its key locations and raw material links (TAL – Transalpine Pipeline, EPS – Ethylene Pipeline South).
ChemDelta Bavaria
  • Eight chemical and industrial sites with 20 companies in three administrative districts (Altötting/Mühldorf/Traunstein)
  • 80% global export rate
  • Approx. €10 billion revenues/year
  • 6% of German chemical revenues
  • Approx. 20,000 direct employees = 50% of employees in the chemical industry in Bavaria
  • Approx. 50,000 indirect jobs
  • Approx. 1,000 trainees/year
  • Investment from 2015 – 2020: Approx. €4.5 billion (including approx. €1 billion at the chemical location of Burghausen)

Chemical and refinery products from Burghausen for the global markets

Burghausen is the most important location of the Bavarian chemical triangle. As well as Wacker Chemie AG’s largest global site, other international companies are also located here such as OMV Deutschland GmbH, Siltronic AG, Borealis Polymere GmbH and production sites of Linde AG and Westlake Vinnolit GmbH & Co. KG.

The innovative chemical and refinery products predominantly developed at the location (such as polysilicon for photovoltaics, silicon wafers for microelectronics, silicon for the automotive and textile industries, polymers for the construction industry, cyclodextrins for the pharmaceuticals industry or jet fuel for aircraft) are sold to global markets at an export rate of 80%.

Chemicals sites in Burghausen:
  • Wacker Chemie AG (approx. 8,100 employees in Burghausen, consolidated revenues of €6.4 billion in 2023)
  • OMV Deutschland GmbH
  • (approx. 500 employees on site, OMV AG consolidated revenues of €39 billion in 2023)
  • Siltronic AG (approx. 1,500 on site, revenues of €1.5 billion in 2023)
  • Borealis Polymere GmbH (approx. 240 employees on site, consolidated revenues of €5.7 billion in 2023)
  • Linde Group (approx. 35 employees on site, consolidated revenues of €30 billion in 2023)
  • Westlake Vinnolit GmbH & Co. KG (approx. 380 employees on site, consolidated revenues of €900 million/year)
The Burghausen refinery location of OMV Deutschland has one of the industry’s most state-of-the-art plants in the world. (Photo: OMV)
Over 8,000 employees work at the world's largest location of Wacker Chemie AG in Burghausen. (Photo: Wacker Chemie AG)